We are focussed on generating distinctive, high quality and impactful research that addresses local and global challenges in education, and positively impacts educational theory, policy, teacher practice and student learning. We conduct educational research ‘the Deakin way’ – prioritising research for education rather than research on education. Importantly, our research outcomes are translated and delivered in ways that are relevant and meaningful to communities. This outward facing approach requires critical collaborations with key stakeholders, international scholars and agencies including government, industry and schools.
We receive funding from a range of organisations including the Australian Research Council (ARC), government agencies, private industry, the not-for-profit sector and other universities around the world.
Our research is aligned to four major themes led by renowned scholars in collaboration with highly active and successful educational researchers within and outside Deakin, including the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) and the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child.