
Discover the wide variety of research projects being undertaken by our members. If you’re interested in pursuing a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) with REDI, you’ll need to align your research proposal with one of our research priority areas.

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Enhancing the internationalisation of higher education in Vietnam

Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies

Attracting and retaining a culturally diverse teacher workforce

Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies

Evaluating YMCA Anglesea’s Nature Play and Forest Skills programs

Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures

A review of Indigenous led approaches to addressing domestic, family and sexual violence

Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education

Supporting finance-related curriculum innovation

Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures

COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: A 3 year study in Geelong

Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education

Assessing the feasibility of a student welcome centre for the City of Melbourne

Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies

Mathematical Modelling content for Mathematics Curriculum Companion

Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures

Hands-on Heritage at the National Wool Museum

Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education

International teacher survey on green and sustainable chemistry practical activities

Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures

Developing an international framework for peace education and peacebuilding

Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies

Side-hustles: young people and employment-adjacent entrepreneurship

Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education

Shifting the culture of out-of-field professional education for teachers

Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies

The Google Observatory

Theme: Learners in a Digital World

The ripple effect of Cottage by the Sea

Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education