Tech Schools Evaluation: Final Report
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Enhancing educational attainment of African refugee youth
Publisher: Deakin University
Australian student mobility to the Indo-Pacific region through the New Colombo Plan
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Bush kinders: Investigating teaching and learning in nature
Publisher: Deakin University
Australian Summit on Gender and STEM: Rethinking an issue that refuses to resolve
Publisher: Deakin University and The University of Melbourne
Research snapshot
The impact of philanthropy on public schools
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Economics + Maths = Financial Capability
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
The articulations and impacts of globalisations in a selection of schools in the Southwest Victorian Region
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
The impact of Cottage by the Sea: from ripples to waves
Publisher: Deakin University
Children, Media, and Pandemic Parenting
Editors: Rebekah Willett, Xinyu Zhao
Publisher: Routledge
Research snapshot
COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: a 3-year study in Geelong
Publisher: Deakin University
The impact of Cottage by the Sea: from ripples to waves
Publisher: Cottage by the Sea
COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: a 3 year study in Geelong
Publisher: Deakin University
Being a young man online
Publisher: eSafety Commissioner
Research snapshot
The Deakin HDR Student Experience (SoE/REDI/CRADLE)
Publisher: Deakin University
10 things young people can learn from financial education
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program
Publisher: Research for Educational Impact
Research snapshot
Cottage by the Sea: The Difference ‘Take a Break’ Makes
Publisher: Research for Educational Impact
Education and Anthropocene
Publisher: Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program
Publisher: Deakin University
Journal article
Exploring opportunities to incorporate systems thinking into secondary and tertiary chemistry education through practitioner perspectives
Journal: International Journal of Science Education
Journal article
Situating sustainable development within secondary chemistry education via systems thinking: a depth study approach
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Book chapter
Collaborating across disciplinary lines: Generating a framework for out-of-field teachers in the Sciences, English, Mathematics, Design Technologies and the Humanities
Editors: Peta J. White, Russell Tytler, Joseph Paul Ferguson, John Cripps Clark
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Journal article
Using systems maps to visualize chemistry processes: practitioner and student insights
Journal: Education Sciences
Journal article
Modeling meaningful chemistry teacher education online: Reflections from chemistry preservice teacher educators in Australia
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Book chapter
Theory and practice relations in design-based research: Designing professional learning with teachers teaching mathematics and science out-of-field
Editors: Peta J. White, Russell Tytler, Joseph Paul Ferguson, John Cripps Clark
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Defining and mapping out-of-field teaching in Victorian Government schools
Publisher: Deakin University
Journal article
Teachers’ opinions about the effect of chemistry demonstrations on students’ interest and chemistry knowledge
School Autonomy Reform and Social Justice in Australian Public Education Final Report, 2023
Publisher: Deakin University
The Politics of Voice in Education
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Book chapter
Young People Learning Climate Justice: Education Beyond Schooling Through Youth-Led Climate Justice Activism
Editors: Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill, Hernan Cuervo
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Learning with student climate strikers’ humour: towards critical affective climate justice literacies
Journal: Environmental Education Research
Journal article
News coverage of the School Strike for Climate movement in Australia: the politics of representing young strikers’ emotions
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
The contemporary challenge of activism as curriculum work
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Book chapter
Atmospheres of Youth Climate Justice Activism: Movements of Affective Political Participation
Editors: Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill, Hernan Cuervo
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Student Voice, Inequalities, and Class
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book chapter
Trans-itioning lives, trans-forming places
Editors: Julie McLeod, Kate O’Connor, Nicole Davis, Amy McKernan
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Students Researching Inequality: Perplexities and Potentialities of Arts-Informed Research Methods for Students-as-Researchers
Editors: Deborah Price, Belinda MacGill, Jenni Carter
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Pride and privilege: the affective dissonance of student voice
Journal: Pedagogy, Culture and Society
Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self
Publisher: Bristol University Press
Journal article
Youthfulness and immaterial labour in the new economy
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Class and the post-Fordist work ethic: Subjects of passion and subjects of achievement in the work society
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Unpacking the black box: the problem of agency in the sociology of youth
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Towards a spatialised youth sociology: the rural and the urban in times of change
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Ultimate concerns in late modernity: Archer, Bourdieu and reflexivity
Journal: British Journal of Sociology
Journal article
The mobility imperative for rural youth: the structural, symbolic and non-representational dimensions rural youth mobilities
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Academic Knowledge and Contemporary Poverty: The Politics of Homelessness Research
Journal: Sociology
Journal article
Young people and structural inequality: beyond the middle ground
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Hospitality work and the sociality of affective labour
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
PhD Crisis Discourse: A critical approach to the framing of the problem and some Australian ‘solutions’
Journal: Higher Education
Journal article
Teacher confidence and professional capital
Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education
Journal article
Teacher agency and professional practice
Journal: Teachers and Teaching
Journal article
Critical policy scholarship in education: An overview
Journal: Education Policy Analysis Archives
Journal article
Educational aspirations and experiences of refugee-background African youth in Australia: a case study
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Journal article
African refugee youth in Australia: higher education participation
Journal: Higher Education Research and Development
Journal article
Preparing African students with refugee backgrounds for transition: School practices
Journal: Australian Journal of Education
Journal article
Crisis and policy imaginaries: higher education reform during a pandemic
Journal: Higher Education
Journal article
Educational disadvantage and policy: expanding the spaces of assessment
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
African heritage Australian youth: Forced displacement, educational attainment, and integration outcomes
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
What is digital literacy? A comparative review of publications across three language contexts
Journal: e-Learning and Digital Media
Journal article
Datafication meets platformization: Materializing data processes in teaching and learning
Journal: Harvard Educational Review
Journal article
“It’s Not Like It’s Life or Death or Whatever”: Young people’s understandings of social media data
Journal: Social Media and Society
Journal article
The social utility of ‘data literacy’
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Journal article
Doing data differently? Developing personal data tactics and strategies amongst young mobile media users
Journal: Big Data and Society
Young People’s Literacies in the Digital Age: Continuities, Conflicts and Contradictions
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
‘Personal data literacies’: A critical literacies approach to enhancing understandings of personal digital data
Journal: New Media and Society
Journal article
Reconceptualising critical digital literacy
Journal: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
Critical Data Literacies: Rethinking Data and Everyday Life
Publisher: The MIT Press
International Students in Australian Secondary Schools: Longing for Belonging – Infographic
International Students in Australian Secondary Schools: Longing for Belonging
Incarcerated Young People, Education and Social Justice
Publisher: Springer
Cottage by the Sea: the difference ‘Take a Break’ makes
Publisher: Cottage by the Sea
Book chapter
The Evidence of Literacy Learning Through Contemporary Kunibídji Knowledge Systems
Editors: J. Rennie & H. Harper
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Engaging with tensions: tensions are the norm
Editors: B. Doecke, G. Auld, M. Wells
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal article
Silences of ethical practice: dilemmas for researchers using social media
Journal: Educational Research and Evaluation
Book chapter
Using digital technologies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Editors: M. Henderson, & G. Romeo
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal article
Using mobile phones as a placed resource for literacy learning in remote Indigenous communities
Journal: Language and Education
Journal article
Examining the paradoxes children experience in language and literacy learning
Journal: The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
Journal article
Is there a case for mandatory reporting of racism in schools?
Journal: Australian Journal of Indigenous Education
Book chapter
Nothing Like Planning and Reflecting Together to Build Trust
Editors: Gwendolyn M. Lloyd and Olive Chapman
Publisher: Brill
Journal article
Using digital devices in a first year classroom: a focus on the design and use of phonics software applications
Journal: Journal of Education and Learning
Journal article
Affordances of using Multiple Videoed Events to construct a rich understanding of adult–child book readings
Journal: International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Journal article
Insights into casual relief teaching: casual relief teachers’ perceptions of their knowledge and skills
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Journal article
Cost, price and profit: what influences students’ decisions about fundraising?
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Journal article
Shopping for Shoes: Teaching Students to Apply and Interpret Mathematics in the Real World
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
The assemblage of inanimate objects in educational research: mapping venture philanthropy, policy networks and evidence brokers
Journal: International Journal of Educational Research
Journal article
Venture philanthropy in public schools in Australia: tracing policy mobility and policy networks
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
The politics of Britishness: multiculturalism, schooling and social cohesion
Journal: British Educational Research Journal
Journal article
School autonomy, accountability and collaboration: a critical review
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Employability in Context
Publisher: Springer
Impacts of post-study work rights in Australia – Infographic
Publisher: The Centre for Research for Educational Impact, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Temporary graduatification. Impacts of post-study work rights policy in Australia
Publisher: The Centre for Research for Educational Impact, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Journal article
Teacher practice: a spotlight on the use of feedback and conferencing in the first year of schooling
Journal: Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Journal article
Designing assessment in a digital world: an organising framework
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Asia literacy and the Australian teaching workforce
Publisher: Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
Journal article
Orientating multilingualism: navigating languages teacher identities
Journal: Curriculum Perspectives
Journal article
Repositioning teacher identities: beyond binaries of Self and Other
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Journal article
Towards Asia “curriculum-as-lived”: Amplifying student voice in the Asia literacy curricular landscape
Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Education
Journal article
“Building the business model” or “Broadening our international perspectives”? Staff positioning on the values of hosting international students in the Australian school sector
Journal: International Journal of Educational Research
Journal article
Second nature
Journal: British Journal of Social Psychology
Journal article
Ageing lesbians: marginalising discourses and social exclusion in the aged care industry
Journal: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
Journal article
Retaining a foothold on the slippery paths of academia: university women, indirect discrimination, and the academic marketplace
Journal: Gender and Education
Assistance Dogs: An investigation into how they might improve the quality of life of people with younger onset dementia: Final report
Journal article
Feedback that helps trainees learn to practice without supervision
Journal: Academic Medicine
Journal article
Can a rubric do more than be transparent? Invitation as a new metaphor for assessment criteria
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
Book chapter
Reimagining university assessment in a world of AI: tasks for human intelligence
Editors: Margaret Bearman, Phillip Dawson, Rola Ajjawi, Joanna Tai, David Boud
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
The power of simulation: a large-scale narrative analysis of learners’ experiences
Journal: Medical Education
Journal article
Embracing the tension between vulnerability and credibility: ‘intellectual candour’ in health professions education
Journal: Medical Education
Journal article
International students in the first years of senior secondary schooling in Australia: Longing for belonging
Journal: International Journal of Educational Development
Journal article
School leadership and intercultural understanding: school foyers as situated spaces for doing diversity
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Psychology in Education Critical Theory~Practice
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Health-inclusive higher education: listening to students with disabilities or chronic illnesses
Journal: Higher Education Research & Development
Journal article
Are the kids alright? Relating to representations of youth
Journal: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Book chapter
Ontological constructionism
Editors: Antony J. Williams, Tom Billington, Dan Goodley, Tim Corcoran
Journal article
Paradoxes in inclusive education: a necessary condition of relationality?
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Journal article
A typology of mobile messaging’s disconnective affordances
Journal: Mobile Media & Communication
Journal article
Plural and porous: reconceptualizing the boundaries of mobile messaging group chats
Journal: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Rethinking Young People’s Marginalisation
Publisher: Routledge
Young People and the Politics of Outrage and Hope
Editors: Peter Kelly, Perri Campbell, Lyn Harrison, Chris Hickey
Publisher: Brill
A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century
Editors: Peter Kelly, Annelies Kamp
Publisher: Brill
Journal article
COVID-19, young people and the futures of work: rethinking global grammars of enterprise
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Since feeling is first: the art of teaching to write paragraphs
Journal: English in Education
Journal article
English language education reform in pre-2020 Olympic Japan: educator perspectives on pedagogical change
Journal: International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Journal article
Authentic feedback: supporting learners to engage in disciplinary feedback practices
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Developing a learning-centred framework for feedback literacy
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Social enterprise as a policy panacea: panel discussions, data and the cultural formulation of policy in Bangladesh
Journal: Globalisation, Societies and Education
Journal article
Global–local imbrications in education policy: Methodological reflections on researching the sociology of Teach for Bangladesh
Journal: London Review of Education
Journal article
Researching the Global Education Industry: foci, empirics and methods
Journal: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
Journal article
Influencing education policy: New philanthropy, network governance and fast-policy
Journal: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
Journal article
A critical examination of Teach for Bangladesh’s Facebook page: ‘Social-mediatisation’ of global education reforms in the ‘post-truth’ era
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
A critical policy analysis of ‘Teach for Bangladesh’: a travelling policy touches down
Journal: Comparative Education
Book chapter
Potential and challenges in integrating science and mathematics in the classroom through real-world problems
Editors: Ying-Shao Hsu, Yi-Fen Yeh
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Mapping variation in children’s mathematical reasoning: the case of ‘what else belongs?’
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
Seeing through the eyes of the teacher? Investigating primary school teachers’ professional noticing through a video-based research methodology
Journal: International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Journal article
Linking comparing and contrasting, generalising and justifying: a case study of primary students’ levels of justifying
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Journal article
Locating negative decimals on the number line: Insights into the thinking of pre-service primary teachers
Journal: The Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Journal article
Effects of mobile-app learning diaries vs online training on specific self-regulated learning components
Journal: Educational Technology and Development
Journal article
Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: the role of evaluative judgement
Journal: European Journal of Psychology of Education
Journal article
Implementing summative assessment with a formative flavour: a case study in a large class
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Feedback that works: a realist review of feedback interventions for written tasks
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
Journal article
Youth, technology, and media cultures
Journal: Review of Research in Education
Journal article
Representing learning lives: What does it mean to map learning journeys?
Journal: International Journal of Educational Research
Journal article
Researching ‘learning lives’– a new agenda for learning, media and technology
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Journal article
The social utility of ‘data literacy’
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Book chapter
Cultural studies went to school and where did it end up?
Editors: Julian Sefton-Green, Jennifer Rowsell
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Effective mentoring for the next generation of early childhood teachers in Victoria, Australia
Journal: Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning
Journal article
Teacher professional learning as a social practice: an Australian case
Journal: International Studies in Sociology of Education
Journal article
Teacher professional learning in Early Childhood education: insights from a mentoring program
Journal: Early Years
Journal article
Teacher professional learning through pedagogy of discomfort
Journal: Reflective Practice
Journal article
Exploring the social justice work of early childhood educators
Journal: Policy Futures in Education
Journal article
Building teacher professional capabilities through transformative learning
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Book chapter
Tweet the phallic teacher: Early career feminist education research, Altmetrics and alternative peer review
Editors: Aspa Baroutsis, Stewart Riddle, Pat Thomson
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Electric sheep? Humans, robots, artificial intelligence, and the future of writing
Journal: Changing English
Book chapter
Curriculum design in the Anthropocene: challenges to human intentionality
Editors: Bill Green, Marie Brennan, Robert Philips
Publisher: Palgrave
Journal article
Teaching writing by formula: empowerment or exclusion?
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Book chapter
Tin shed science: girls, aesthetics, and permeable learning
Editors: Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Karen Malone, Elisabeth Barratt Hacking
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Curriculum as colour and curves: a synthesis of Black theory, design and creativity realised as critical curriculum writing
Journal: Gender and Education
Journal article
Does student engagement in self-assessment calibrate their judgement over time?
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Re-thinking continuing professional development through changing metaphors and location in professional practices
Journal: Studies in Continuing Education
Book chapter
Reframing assessment as if learning were important
Editors: David Boud, Nancy Falchikov
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Sustainable assessment revisited
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Sharing successes and hiding failures: ‘reporting bias’ in learning and teaching research
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
Journal article
Can markers detect contract cheating? Results from a pilot study
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Five ways to hack and cheat with bring-your-own-device electronic examinations
Journal: British Journal of Educational Technology
Journal article
Beyond a definition: toward a framework for designing and specifying mentoring models
Journal: Educational Researcher
Journal article
Assessment rubrics: towards clearer and more replicable design, research and practice
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Supporting disadvantaged students in an English primary school: matters of entrepreneurial and traditional professionalism
Journal: Cambridge Journal of Education
Journal article
Context matters: primary schools and academies reform in England
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
The affective intensities of gender transformative work: An actionable framework for facilitators working with boys and young men
Journal: Journal of Men and Masculinities
Journal article
Voluntary school fees in segregated public schools: how selective public schools turbo-charge inequity and funding gaps
Journal: Comparative Education
Journal article
Inequalities in the private funding of public schools: parent financial contributions and school socioeconomic status
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Journal article
Private financing in urban public schools: inequalities in a stratified education marketplace
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
The case for teaching and learning about taxation and superannuation at school
Journal article
Discovering diverse students’ funds of knowledge related to finance: Pāsifika students in New Zealand
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Journal article
Teachers’ perceptions of financial literacy and the implications for professional learning
Journal: Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Teacher conceptualisations and enactments of International-Mindedness in PYP programmes in Australian and Singaporean IB World Schools
Publisher: International Baccalaureate Organization
Journal article
Student responses on the survey of global competence in PISA 2018
Journal: Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education
Journal article
The barometer of agency: reconceptualising the ‘guided reading’ teaching approach
Journal article
Guided reading – Working within a child’s zone of proximal development
Journal: Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Journal article
Mathematics education and genre: Dare we make the process writing mistake again?
Journal: Language and Education
Journal article
“Where’s the human dignity in that?”: LGBTQIA + people with intellectual disability exploring sexual lives and respectful relationships
Journal: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services
Journal article
Trained assistance dogs for people with dementia: a systematic review
Journal: Psychogeriatrics
Book chapter
Teacher educators and the pedagogical and curriculum complexity of Teach For All in Australia
Editors: Matthew A.M. Thomas, Emilee Rauschenberger, Katherine Crawford-Garrett
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Westworld and Marxism: When Violent Delights Meet Revolutionary Ends
Editors: Naomi Barnes, Alison Bedford
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Alternative Social Media and the Complexities of a More Participatory Culture: A View From Scuttlebutt
Journal: Social Media Society
Journal article
Life-on-campus or my-time-and-screen: identity and agency in online postgraduate courses
Journal: Teaching in Higher Education
Journal article
Access Denied: How Barriers to Participate on Zoom Impact on Research Opportunity
Journal: M/C Journal
Book chapter
Critical Educational Psychology
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Young People and Thinking Technologies for the Anthropocene
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Working in Jamie’s Kitchen: Salvation, Passion and Young Workers
Publisher: Palgrave
Economics + Maths = Financial Capability
Cultural Studies Goes To School
Publisher: Routledge
Identity, Community, and Learning Lives in the Digital Age
Editors: Ola Erstad, Julian Sefton-Green
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal article
Relating development to quality of education: A study on the World Bank’s neoliberal policy discourse in education
Journal: KEDI Journal of Educational Policy
Journal article
The World Bank’s shift away from neoliberal ideology: real or rhetoric
Journal: Policy Futures in Education
Book chapter
Teach for Bangladesh as a de facto social enterprise
Editors: Thomas M A M, Rauschenberger E, Crawford-Garrett K
Publisher: Routledge
A student-centred approach: understanding higher education pathways through co-design
Digital Ethics, Political Economy, and the Curriculum
Editors: Mills K A, Stornaiuolo A, Smith A, Zacher Pandya J
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Comparing online and blended learner’s self-regulated learning strategies and academic performance
Journal: The Internet and Higher Education
Journal article
The influence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance: A systematic review
Journal: Educational Research Review
Journal article
The self-regulation for learning online (SRL-O) questionnaire
Journal: Metacognition and Learning
Journal article
Counterexamples: challenges faced by elementary students when testing a conjecture about the relationship between perimeter and area
Journal: Journal of Mathematics Education
Journal article
Designing and delivering an online lesson study unit in mathematics to pre-service primary teachers: opportunities and challenges
Journal: International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
The Epistemological Development of Education: Considering Bourdieu, Foucault and Dewey
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Cross-sectoral professional relationships and transition to school: an Australian study
Journal: Early Years
Journal article
Teacher confidence and professional capital
Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education
Improving the Outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students within Catholic Education Tasmania
Journal article
A bit of a dirty word: ‘feminism’ and female teachers identifying as feminist
Journal: Journal of Gender Studies
Journal article
The development of student feedback literacy: enabling uptake of feedback
Journal: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
Feedback in Higher and Professional Education
Editors: David Boud, Elizabeth Molloy
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Asia engagement beyond binaries and boundaries: Towards a re-theorisation of Asia, community and curriculum
Editors: Halse C
Publisher: Routledge
Juggling Selves. Navigating Pre-service Teaching Experiences in Overseas Contexts
Editors: Nickl B, Popenici S, Blackler D
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
‘Peer learning’ as pedagogic discourse for research education
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
Journal article
Schooling and social justice through the lenses of Nancy Fraser
Journal: Critical Studies in Education
Journal article
Student activism, sexual consent and gender justice: enduring difficulties and tensions for schools
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Educating for diversity and social justice
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Philanthrocapitalism and the state: mapping the rise of venture philanthropy in public education in Australia
Journal: ECNU Review of Education
Middle-class school choice in urban spaces: the economics of public schooling and globalized education reform
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Calling for ‘urgent national action to improve the quality of initial teacher education’: the reification of evidence and accountability in reform agendas
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
The Australian middle class and education: a small-scale study of the school choice experience as framed by ‘My School’ within inner city families
Journal: Critical Studies in Education
Journal article
Stimulating proportional reasoning through questions of finance and fairness
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Journal article
Paradoxes of in-school teacher coaching by outsiders
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Journal article
Learning to read: where should early childhood educators begin?
Journal: Literacy
Book chapter
Designing extended professional development: The power of formative evaluation
Editors: White P, Tytler R, Cripps-Clarke J, Ferguson J
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Book chapter
Multiculturalism and the “broken” discourses of Chinese language education
Editors: Halse C, Kennedy K
Publisher: Routledge
The Affective Intensities of Masculinity in Shaping Gendered Experience
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Teaching White Privilege: An Auto-Ethnographic Approach
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Book chapter
Evaluation as a research approach
Editors: Delahunty T, Riordain M Ni
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
School readiness–what does this mean? Educators’ perceptions using a cross sector comparison
Journal: Early Years Education
100 jobs of the future
Journal article
Intercultural understanding in the Australian curriculum
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Advancing Learning in Racially Diverse Classrooms
Journal article
On the use of flipped classroom across various disciplines: Insights from a second-order meta-analysis
Journal: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
Rethinking Languages Education: Directions, Challenges and Innovations
Editors: Ruth Arber, Michiko Weinmann, Jill Blackmore
Publisher: Routledge
The Asia Literacy Dilemma: A Curriculum Perspective
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
How university teachers design assessments: a cross-disciplinary study
Journal: Higher Education
Journal article
Support for assessment practice: developing the Assessment Design Decisions Framework
Journal: Teaching in Higher Education
Journal article
Qualitative synthesis and systematic review in health professions education
Journal: Medical Education
Journal article
Psychosocial justice: always more-than to consider
Journal: Educational & Child Psychology
Journal article
Higher education and inherent requirements: Beyond inherency to coherency
Journal: Journal of Disability Studies in Education
The Self as Enterprise: Foucault and the Spirit of 21st Century Capitalism
Publisher: Routledge
Learning at Not-School: A Review of Study, Theory, and Advocacy for Education in Non-Formal Settings
Publisher: MIT Press
Book chapter
Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice
Editors: English L M, Gillen M A.
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Journal article
What makes for effective feedback: staff and student perspectives
Journal: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Shopping for schools or shopping for peers: public schools and catchment area segregation
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom: definition, rationale and a call for research
Journal: Higher Education Research & Development
Journal article
Still in the LEGO (LEGOS) Room: Female Teachers Designing Curriculum around Girls’ Popular Culture for the Coeducational Classroom in Australia
Journal: Gender and Education
Journal article
Addressing inequality: Educators responding to the contexts of young children’s lives?
Journal: Children & Society
Journal article
Creating a reason to read: coaching strategies that support teachers to establish reading as a professional practice
Journal: The Australian Educational Researcher
The class: Living and learning in the digital age
Publisher: New York University Press
Journal article
Self-regulated learning strategies & academic achievement in online higher education learning environments: A systematic review
Journal: The Internet and Higher Education
Journal article
Rethinking models of feedback for learning: the challenge of design
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Unsustainable measures? Assessing global competence in PISA 2018
Journal: Education Policy Analysis Archives
Journal article
Mothers’ views on shared reading with their two-year olds using printed and electronic texts: Purpose, confidence and practice
Journal: Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
Journal article
Classing schools
Journal: Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education
Journal article
Teachers’ professional growth through engagement with lesson study
Journal: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Report of Evaluation of Initial Teacher Financial Incentive Scheme
Australian National Summit on Teaching Out-of-Field: Synthesis and Recommendations for Policy, Practice and Research
Early Childhood Professional Practice Partnerships Report
Migrant Parents’ Experiences of Homeschooling During the COVID-19 Lockdowns
Innovative Approaches to Socioscientific Issues and Sustainability Education
Editors: Ying-Shao Hsu, Russell Tytler, Peta J. White
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Assessing intercultural understanding: the facts about strangers
Journal: Educational Review
Secret Lives of Children in the Digital Age
Publisher: Myers Education Press
Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research Volume 2
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Global-National Networks in Education Policy: Primary Education, Social Enterprises and ‘Teach for Bangladesh’
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Re-searching Margins: Ethics, Social Justice and Education
Publisher: Routledge
Children’s Creative Inquiry in STEM
Publisher: Springer
Out-of-Field Teaching Across Teaching Disciplines and Contexts
Publisher: Springer
Learning to Live with Datafication: Educational Case Studies and Initiatives from Across the World
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Lessons in financial literacy task design: authentic, imaginable, useful
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Tools For Measuring Learning Gain: A Revised Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF)
Journal article
“It is not O.K to think that you are good just because you have graduated from overseas”: Agency and contextual factors affecting Vietnamese returning graduates
Journal: International Migration
Adult Community Education Quality Framework (ACEQF) Executive Summary Department of Education & Training (DET)
Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE), PQF Review – A Contemporary Pre-accredited Quality Framework.
Australian Student Mobility to the Indo-Pacific Region through the New Colombo Plan
Journal article
Coping with the ‘double bind’ through vlogging: pandemic digital citizenship of Chinese
Journal: international students Continuum
Journal article
Digital labour in transnational mobility: Chinese international students’ online boundary work in daigou
Journal: New media and society
Journal article
Diversity training, inclusive education and our inevitable lament
Journal: Journal of Research in Special Educational Need
Journal article
How do students experience inclusive assessment? A critical review of contemporary literature
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Journal article
Modeling the phenomenon versus modeling the data set
Journal: Mathematical Thinking and Learning
Pre-accredited Quality Framework (PQF) in Victoria Evaluation & Preliminary Report
Supporting the Implementation of Digital Technologies in Disadvantaged Schools: Case study of impact, outcomes and sustainability
Journal article
Teacher concerns about competency-based mathematics education in a rural Australian VET institution
Journal: Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Journal article
Teacher orchestration of student responses to rich mathematics tasks in the US and Japanese classrooms
Journal: Mathematics Education
Journal article
The Relevance of STEM: a Case Study of an Australian Secondary School as an Arena of STEM Curriculum Innovation and Enactment
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
Towards a social semiotic interpretation of the chemistry triangle: student exploration of changes of state in an Australian secondary science classroom
Journal: International journal of science and mathematics education
Journal article
The politics of critical policy sociology: Mobilities, moorings and elite networks
Journal: Praxis Educativa
Journal article
A patchwork of platforms: mapping data infrastructures in schools
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Journal article
Child-centred teaching: Helping each child to reach their full potential
Journal: Education Sciences
Journal article
Conceptualising the cosmos: Development and validation of the cosmology concept inventory for high school
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
Development, use, and evaluation of chemistry outreach activities related to the periodic table and sustainability
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Journal article
In whose best interests? Regulating childcare environments in Australia
Journal: Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
Journal article
Is there a ‘theory of learning’ for cultural studies and is it (still) relevant in an era of surveillance capitalism?
Journal: Continuum
Journal article
Necessary but not sufficient: literacy pedagogies for changing times
Journal: Language and literacy
Journal article
Preparing African students with refugee backgrounds for transition: school practices
Journal: Australian journal of education
Journal article
Principals’ perceptions of school autonomy and educational leadership
Journal: Educational Management Administration and Leadership
Journal article
Racial moral panic and African youth in Australia
Journal: International journal of intercultural relations
Journal article
Refugee education: homogenized policy provisions and overlooked factors of disadvantage
Journal: International Studies in Sociology of Education
Journal article
Regeneration time: Ancient wisdom for planetary wellbeing
Journal: Australian Journal of Environmental Education
Journal article
Teaching about electricity in primary school multimodality and variation theory as analytical lenses
Journal: Research in Science Education
Journal article
The paradox of Whiteness: Neoliberal multiculturalism and the case of Chinese international students in Australia
Journal: Ethnicities
Journal article
Topics amenable to a systems thinking approach: Secondary and tertiary perspectives
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Journal article
A broken paradigm? What education needs to learn from evidence-based medicine
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
Analysing digital educational games with the Games as Action, Games as Text framework
Journal: Computers and Education
Journal article
Co-designing a curriculum model for career education: perspectives from regional communities in Australia
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Journal article
Conceptualizing culture and creativity: Perspectives on creativity by Japanese secondary school students
Journal: Journal of Creative Behavior
Journal article
COVID-19 and young people’s ‘Future Presents’: lockdown stories from the Anthropocene
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies 1-18 28
Journal article
Engaging boys and young men in gender transformation: The possibilities and limits of a pedagogy of empathy
Journal: NORMA
Journal article
From doom-scrolling to news avoidance: Limiting news as a wellbeing strategy during COVID lockdown
Journal: Journalism Studies
Journal article
Making-up people: Youth, truth and politics
Journal: Journal of Applied Youth Studies
Journal article
Navigating feedback practices across learning contexts: implications for feedback literacy
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Journal article
Noticing student thinking under pressure in primary mathematics and science lessons
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
Oaths and the ethics of automated data: limits to porting the Hippocratic oath from medicine to data science
Journal: Cultural Studies
Journal article
Play diversity and student agency in the redevelopment of a school playspace
Journal: Children's Geographies 1-15
Journal article
Teacher voice for reflections on practice: using the voice-centred relational method to determine early childhood teachers’ understanding of spirituality
Journal: International Journal of Children's Spirituality
Journal article
The relationship between feedback and evaluative judgement in undergraduate nursing and midwifery education: An integrative review
Journal: Nurse Education in Practice 58
Journal article
‘Doing great things for the world’: merit and the justice politics of young people receiving an elite educational scholarship
Journal: Discourse
Journal article
A Peircean socio-semiotic analysis of science students’ creative reasoning as/through digital simulations
Journal: Research in Science Education
Journal article
Affinity spaces and the situatedness of intercultural relations between international and domestic students in two Australian schools
Journal: Educational Review
Journal article
Designing and delivering representation-focused science lessons in a digital learning environment
Journal: Educational Technology Research and Development
Journal article
Early Childhood STEM Education for Sustainable Development
Journal: Sustainability (Switzerland)
Journal article
Election or selection? School autonomy reform, governance and the politics of school councils
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
Equitable teaching for cultural and linguistic diversity: exploring the possibilities for engaged pedagogy in post-COVID-19 higher education
Journal: Educational Review
Journal article
Graduate capitals and employability: Insights from an Australian university co-curricular scholarship program
Journal: Pedagogy, Culture and Society
Journal article
How does self-regulated learning influence formative assessment and summative grade? Comparing online and blended learners.
Journal: Internet and Higher Education
Journal article
In their own words: 41 stories of young people’s digital citizenship
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Journal article
Learning to recognise what good practice looks like: how general practice trainees develop evaluative judgement
Journal: Advances in Health Sciences Education
Journal article
School playgroups: Which features of provision matter?
Journal: British Educational Research Journal
Journal article
School-wide positive behaviour support as evidence-making interventions
Journal: Research in Education
Journal article
The emotional intensity of educational leadership: a scoping review
Journal: International Journal of Leadership in Education
Journal article
The post-COVID-19 future of digital learning in higher education: Views from educators, students, and other professionals in six countries
Journal: British Journal of Educational Technology
Journal article
Use of live chat in higher education to support self-regulated help seeking behaviours: a comparison of online and blended learner perspectives
Journal: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Journal article
An argument for using the Earth Charter Principles as ideological framing in award winning children’s literature
Journal: Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
Book chapter
Challenging the representations and assumptions of out-of-field teaching
Editors: Hobbs L, Porsch R.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Defining teaching out-of-field: An imperative for research, policy and practice
Editors: Hobbs L, Porsch R.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Gender, educational leadership and social justice
Editors: Showunmi V, Moorosi P, Shakeshaft C, Oplatka I.
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Journal article
Girls’ education in Balochistan, Pakistan: Exploring a postcolonial Islamic governmentality
Journal: British Journal of Sociology of Education
Journal article
Gratitude notes as formative assessment in middle years literacy learning
Journal: Literacy learning: the middle years
Journal article
Offensive behaviours against school leaders: Prevalence, perpetrators and mediators in Australian government schools
Journal: Educational Management Administration and Leadership
Book chapter
Passion as politics: An analysis of Australian newspaper reporting of institutional responses to the School Strikes for Climate
Editors: Riddle S, Heffernan A, Bright D.
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing
Journal: Medical Education
Research in Early Childhood
Publisher: Sage
Book chapter
Researching the phenomenon of ‘teaching out-of-field’: Synthesis and future directions
Editors: Hobbs L, Porsch R.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Venture philanthropy and the rise of external actors in Australian education
Editors: Lubienski C, Yemini M, Maxwell C.
Publisher: Policy Press
Journal article
Working through the first year of the pandemic: a snapshot of Australian school leaders’ work roles and responsibilities and health and wellbeing during covid-19
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Book chapter
‘Pākehā get more money than the other cultures’: Teaching Pāsifika students with and for a social justice orientation
Editors: Lucey T.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Bridging the gap between evidence-based research, policy, and its implementation in classrooms
Editors: White P, Tytler R, Ferguson J, Cripps Clark J.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Book chapter
Capacity building as the ‘Third Translation’: The story of PISA-D in Cambodia
Editors: Grek S, Maroy C, Verger A.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Co-design: Methodological considerations in a digital design project
Editors: White P, Tytler R, Ferguson J, Cripps Clark J.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Book chapter
Developing a multifaceted definition of out-of-field teaching: Distilling the literature and capturing expert insights
Editors: White P, Tytler R, Ferguson J, Cripps Clark J.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Book chapter
Governing by dashboard: Reconfiguring education governance in the global south
Editors: Wyatt-Smith C, Lingard B, Heck E.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Network models in teacher education: Global logics, national reform and local tensions in Australia
Editors: Seddon T, Kostogriz A, Barbousas J.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Opening the black box of peer review
Editors: Addey C, Piattoeva N.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Overview of teachers’ professional learning for socioscientific issues and sustainability education
Editors: Hsu Y-S, Tytler R, White P.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Partnerships in times of teacher education ‘crises’: affective atmosphere and the relational ethics of teacher educators
Editors: Seddon T, Kostogriz A, Barbousas J.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Pre-service teachers representing socioscientific aspects of scientists’ work
Editors: Hsu Y-S, Tytler R, White P.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Responsible research, innovation and socioscientific inquiry approaches in a European teacher education project
Editors: Hsu Y-S, Tytler R, White P.
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
The reciprocal nature of Assessment-as-Learning and feedback literacy: case studies from higher education in Australia
Editors: Zi Y, Lan Y.
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Translanguaging across time, space and generations: Ndjébbana Djérwarra share 42 stories in 20 minutes
Editors: Arber R, Weinmann M, Blackmore J.
Publisher: Routledge