Tech Schools Evaluation: Final Report
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Enhancing educational attainment of African refugee youth
Publisher: Deakin University
Australian student mobility to the Indo-Pacific region through the New Colombo Plan
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Bush kinders: Investigating teaching and learning in nature
Publisher: Deakin University
Australian Summit on Gender and STEM: Rethinking an issue that refuses to resolve
Publisher: Deakin University and The University of Melbourne
Expert insights
Research snapshot
The impact of philanthropy on public schools
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
Economics + Maths = Financial Capability
Publisher: Deakin University
Dr Thomas Corbin
Research Fellow (CRADLE)
Research snapshot
The articulations and impacts of globalisations in a selection of schools in the Southwest Victorian Region
Publisher: Deakin University
Research snapshot
The impact of Cottage by the Sea: from ripples to waves
Publisher: Deakin University
Children, Media, and Pandemic Parenting
Editors: Rebekah Willett, Xinyu Zhao
Publisher: Routledge
Research snapshot
COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: a 3-year study in Geelong
Publisher: Deakin University
The impact of Cottage by the Sea: from ripples to waves
Publisher: Cottage by the Sea
COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: A 3 year study in Geelong
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
COVID-19 and young people’s education and employment aspirations: a 3 year study in Geelong
Publisher: Deakin University
Attracting and retaining a culturally diverse teacher workforce
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Evaluating YMCA Anglesea’s Nature Play and Forest Skills programs
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Being a young man online
Publisher: eSafety Commissioner
A review of Indigenous led approaches to addressing domestic, family and sexual violence
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Research snapshot
The Deakin HDR Student Experience (SoE/REDI/CRADLE)
Publisher: Deakin University
Supporting finance-related curriculum innovation
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
10 things young people can learn from financial education
Publisher: Deakin University
Assessing the feasibility of a student welcome centre for the City of Melbourne
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Research snapshot
Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program
Publisher: Research for Educational Impact
Research snapshot
Cottage by the Sea: The Difference ‘Take a Break’ Makes
Publisher: Research for Educational Impact
Mathematical Modelling content for Mathematics Curriculum Companion
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Hands-on Heritage at the National Wool Museum
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
International teacher survey on green and sustainable chemistry practical activities
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Dr Jack Walton
Research Fellow (CRADLE)
Dr Chris Speldewinde
Research Fellow
Visiting scholars
Education and Anthropocene
Publisher: Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Developing an international framework for peace education and peacebuilding
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Graduate Teacher Professional Learning Program
Publisher: Deakin University
Side-hustles: young people and employment-adjacent entrepreneurship
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Journal article
Exploring opportunities to incorporate systems thinking into secondary and tertiary chemistry education through practitioner perspectives
Journal: International Journal of Science Education
Journal article
Situating sustainable development within secondary chemistry education via systems thinking: a depth study approach
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Book chapter
Collaborating across disciplinary lines: Generating a framework for out-of-field teachers in the Sciences, English, Mathematics, Design Technologies and the Humanities
Editors: Peta J. White, Russell Tytler, Joseph Paul Ferguson, John Cripps Clark
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Journal article
Using systems maps to visualize chemistry processes: practitioner and student insights
Journal: Education Sciences
Journal article
Modeling meaningful chemistry teacher education online: Reflections from chemistry preservice teacher educators in Australia
Journal: Journal of Chemical Education
Book chapter
Theory and practice relations in design-based research: Designing professional learning with teachers teaching mathematics and science out-of-field
Editors: Peta J. White, Russell Tytler, Joseph Paul Ferguson, John Cripps Clark
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Defining and mapping out-of-field teaching in Victorian Government schools
Publisher: Deakin University
Journal article
Teachers’ opinions about the effect of chemistry demonstrations on students’ interest and chemistry knowledge
School Autonomy Reform and Social Justice in Australian Public Education Final Report, 2023
Publisher: Deakin University
The Politics of Voice in Education
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Book chapter
Young People Learning Climate Justice: Education Beyond Schooling Through Youth-Led Climate Justice Activism
Editors: Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill, Hernan Cuervo
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Learning with student climate strikers’ humour: towards critical affective climate justice literacies
Journal: Environmental Education Research
Journal article
News coverage of the School Strike for Climate movement in Australia: the politics of representing young strikers’ emotions
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
The contemporary challenge of activism as curriculum work
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Book chapter
Atmospheres of Youth Climate Justice Activism: Movements of Affective Political Participation
Editors: Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill, Hernan Cuervo
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Student Voice, Inequalities, and Class
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book chapter
Trans-itioning lives, trans-forming places
Editors: Julie McLeod, Kate O’Connor, Nicole Davis, Amy McKernan
Publisher: Routledge
Book chapter
Students Researching Inequality: Perplexities and Potentialities of Arts-Informed Research Methods for Students-as-Researchers
Editors: Deborah Price, Belinda MacGill, Jenni Carter
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Pride and privilege: the affective dissonance of student voice
Journal: Pedagogy, Culture and Society
Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self
Publisher: Bristol University Press
Journal article
Youthfulness and immaterial labour in the new economy
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Class and the post-Fordist work ethic: Subjects of passion and subjects of achievement in the work society
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Unpacking the black box: the problem of agency in the sociology of youth
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Towards a spatialised youth sociology: the rural and the urban in times of change
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Ultimate concerns in late modernity: Archer, Bourdieu and reflexivity
Journal: British Journal of Sociology
Journal article
The mobility imperative for rural youth: the structural, symbolic and non-representational dimensions rural youth mobilities
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Academic Knowledge and Contemporary Poverty: The Politics of Homelessness Research
Journal: Sociology
Journal article
Young people and structural inequality: beyond the middle ground
Journal: Journal of Youth Studies
Journal article
Hospitality work and the sociality of affective labour
Journal: The Sociological Review
Shifting the culture of out-of-field professional education for teachers
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Journal article
PhD Crisis Discourse: A critical approach to the framing of the problem and some Australian ‘solutions’
Journal: Higher Education
Journal article
Teacher confidence and professional capital
Journal: Teaching and Teacher Education
Journal article
Teacher agency and professional practice
Journal: Teachers and Teaching
Journal article
Critical policy scholarship in education: An overview
Journal: Education Policy Analysis Archives
Journal article
Educational aspirations and experiences of refugee-background African youth in Australia: a case study
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Journal article
African refugee youth in Australia: higher education participation
Journal: Higher Education Research and Development
Journal article
Preparing African students with refugee backgrounds for transition: School practices
Journal: Australian Journal of Education
Journal article
Crisis and policy imaginaries: higher education reform during a pandemic
Journal: Higher Education
Journal article
Educational disadvantage and policy: expanding the spaces of assessment
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
African heritage Australian youth: Forced displacement, educational attainment, and integration outcomes
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
What is digital literacy? A comparative review of publications across three language contexts
Journal: e-Learning and Digital Media
Journal article
Datafication meets platformization: Materializing data processes in teaching and learning
Journal: Harvard Educational Review
Journal article
“It’s Not Like It’s Life or Death or Whatever”: Young people’s understandings of social media data
Journal: Social Media and Society
Journal article
The social utility of ‘data literacy’
Journal: Learning, Media and Technology
Journal article
Doing data differently? Developing personal data tactics and strategies amongst young mobile media users
Journal: Big Data and Society
Young People’s Literacies in the Digital Age: Continuities, Conflicts and Contradictions
Publisher: Routledge
Journal article
‘Personal data literacies’: A critical literacies approach to enhancing understandings of personal digital data
Journal: New Media and Society
Journal article
Reconceptualising critical digital literacy
Journal: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
Critical Data Literacies: Rethinking Data and Everyday Life
Publisher: The MIT Press
The Google Observatory
Theme: Learners in a Digital World
The ripple effect of Cottage by the Sea
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Exploring the online experiences of young men and boys
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Student voice in an age of extinction? The political engagement of young people within and beyond school
Theme: Learners in a Digital World
Design and delivery of a Graduate Certificate of Secondary Design and Technologies
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Design and delivery of a Graduate Certificate of Secondary Digital Technologies
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
International Students in Australian Secondary Schools: Longing for Belonging
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Children, media and pandemic parenting
Theme: Learners in a Digital World
Assembling the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Education Goal in the Indo-Pacific: a comparative analysis of Bangladesh and India
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Cosmic pathfinder: Exploring the potential of astronomy as a gateway to STEM
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Deakin University Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
International Students in Australian Secondary Schools: Longing for Belonging – Infographic
International Students in Australian Secondary Schools: Longing for Belonging
Enacting climate change education through representing scientists’ practices in classrooms
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Science Inquiry Assessment
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Incarcerated Young People, Education and Social Justice
Publisher: Springer
Cottage by the Sea: the difference ‘Take a Break’ makes
Publisher: Cottage by the Sea
Book chapter
The Evidence of Literacy Learning Through Contemporary Kunibídji Knowledge Systems
Editors: J. Rennie & H. Harper
Publisher: Springer
Book chapter
Engaging with tensions: tensions are the norm
Editors: B. Doecke, G. Auld, M. Wells
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal article
Silences of ethical practice: dilemmas for researchers using social media
Journal: Educational Research and Evaluation
Book chapter
Using digital technologies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Editors: M. Henderson, & G. Romeo
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Journal article
Using mobile phones as a placed resource for literacy learning in remote Indigenous communities
Journal: Language and Education
Journal article
Examining the paradoxes children experience in language and literacy learning
Journal: The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy
Journal article
Is there a case for mandatory reporting of racism in schools?
Journal: Australian Journal of Indigenous Education
Graduate Teachers Professional Learning Program in the Southwest Region of Victoria
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Mapping media use by families
Theme: Learners in a Digital World
Promoting rural and regional STEM education with VR-haptics
Theme: STEM Education for Sustainable Futures
Research into mentoring, induction and professional networks in Early Childhood Education and Care
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Young workers and the future of service employment
Theme: Diversity and Social Justice in Education
Book chapter
Nothing Like Planning and Reflecting Together to Build Trust
Editors: Gwendolyn M. Lloyd and Olive Chapman
Publisher: Brill
Journal article
Using digital devices in a first year classroom: a focus on the design and use of phonics software applications
Journal: Journal of Education and Learning
Journal article
Affordances of using Multiple Videoed Events to construct a rich understanding of adult–child book readings
Journal: International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Journal article
Insights into casual relief teaching: casual relief teachers’ perceptions of their knowledge and skills
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
Journal article
Cost, price and profit: what influences students’ decisions about fundraising?
Journal: Mathematics Education Research Journal
Journal article
Shopping for Shoes: Teaching Students to Apply and Interpret Mathematics in the Real World
Journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Journal article
The assemblage of inanimate objects in educational research: mapping venture philanthropy, policy networks and evidence brokers
Journal: International Journal of Educational Research
Journal article
Venture philanthropy in public schools in Australia: tracing policy mobility and policy networks
Journal: Journal of Education Policy
Journal article
The politics of Britishness: multiculturalism, schooling and social cohesion
Journal: British Educational Research Journal
Journal article
School autonomy, accountability and collaboration: a critical review
Journal: Journal of Educational Administration and History
Dr David Farrugia
ARC Future Fellow
Toward data justice in Australian schools
Theme: Learners in a Digital World
Employability in Context
Publisher: Springer
Improving school engagement of African refugee students
Theme: Education‚ Governance and Policy for Sustainable Societies
Impacts of post-study work rights in Australia – Infographic
Publisher: The Centre for Research for Educational Impact, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Temporary graduatification. Impacts of post-study work rights policy in Australia
Publisher: The Centre for Research for Educational Impact, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Journal article
Teacher practice: a spotlight on the use of feedback and conferencing in the first year of schooling
Journal: Australian Journal of Teacher Education
Journal article
Designing assessment in a digital world: an organising framework
Journal: Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
Asia literacy and the Australian teaching workforce
Publisher: Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
Journal article
Orientating multilingualism: navigating languages teacher identities
Journal: Curriculum Perspectives
Journal article
Repositioning teacher identities: beyond binaries of Self and Other
Journal: Australian Educational Researcher
Journal article
Towards Asia “curriculum-as-lived”: Amplifying student voice in the Asia literacy curricular landscape
Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Education
Journal article
“Building the business model” or “Broadening our international perspectives”? Staff positioning on the values of hosting international students in the Australian school sector
Journal: International Journal of Educational Research
Journal article
Second nature
Journal: British Journal of Social Psychology
Journal article
Ageing lesbians: marginalising discourses and social exclusion in the aged care industry
Journal: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services
Journal article
Retaining a foothold on the slippery paths of academia: university women, indirect discrimination, and the academic marketplace
Journal: Gender and Education
Assistance Dogs: An investigation into how they might improve the quality of life of people with younger onset dementia: Final report
Journal article
Feedback that helps trainees learn to practice without supervision
Journal: Academic Medicine
Journal article
Can a rubric do more than be transparent? Invitation as a new metaphor for assessment criteria
Journal: Studies in Higher Education
Book chapter
Reimagining university assessment in a world of AI: tasks for human intelligence
Editors: Margaret Bearman, Phillip Dawson, Rola Ajjawi, Joanna Tai, David Boud
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
The power of simulation: a large-scale narrative analysis of learners’ experiences
Journal: Medical Education
Journal article
Embracing the tension between vulnerability and credibility: ‘intellectual candour’ in health professions education
Journal: Medical Education
Journal article
International students in the first years of senior secondary schooling in Australia: Longing for belonging
Journal: International Journal of Educational Development
Journal article
School leadership and intercultural understanding: school foyers as situated spaces for doing diversity
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Psychology in Education Critical Theory~Practice
Publisher: Springer
Journal article
Health-inclusive higher education: listening to students with disabilities or chronic illnesses
Journal: Higher Education Research & Development
Journal article
Are the kids alright? Relating to representations of youth
Journal: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
Book chapter
Ontological constructionism
Editors: Antony J. Williams, Tom Billington, Dan Goodley, Tim Corcoran
Journal article
Paradoxes in inclusive education: a necessary condition of relationality?
Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education
Journal article
A typology of mobile messaging’s disconnective affordances
Journal: Mobile Media & Communication
Journal article
Plural and porous: reconceptualizing the boundaries of mobile messaging group chats
Journal: Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Rethinking Young People’s Marginalisation
Publisher: Routledge
Young People and the Politics of Outrage and Hope
Editors: Peter Kelly, Perri Campbell, Lyn Harrison, Chris Hickey
Publisher: Brill
A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century
Editors: Peter Kelly, Annelies Kamp
Publisher: Brill
Journal article
COVID-19, young people and the futures of work: rethinking global grammars of enterprise
Journal: The Sociological Review
Journal article
Since feeling is first: the art of teaching to write paragraphs
Journal: English in Education
Journal article
English language education reform in pre-2020 Olympic Japan: educator perspectives on pedagogical change
Journal: International Journal of the Sociology of Language
Journal article